Friday, May 14, 2010

Wow! I just realized...

You know what they say about the subconscious working towards your goals even while you aren't thinking about them?

I just realized that without realizing it, I have reached a goal I set for myself several years ago!

In 2006, when I was learning about the power of goal-setting, I wrote this physical fitness improvement goal:


That's the way you're supposed to state your goal, in the present tense, phrasing it in a positive way, and making it clearly measurable.

At the time, it seemed almost unattainable. I could run a 5 K by then, and I was doing daily runs of about 2.5 miles, but I had never been able to run farther than that. I had tried longer runs a few times, but always had to stop and walk.

Nevertheless, I repeated that goal, along with some other major goals for different areas of my life, out loud, several times a day, every day, for months!

The year came and went. I gave up on chanting my goals out loud to myself every day. They seemed ridiculous and I became discouraged.

Now, suddenly, as I was writing another blog entry, I realized that when I do my weekly 8.5 mile runs--and as I say, my times are slow-- I AM ACTUALLY RUNNING FOR TWO HOURS, UP AND DOWN HILLS, WITHOUT STOPPING, and doing it every week. My goal, which I chanted over and over to myself, has become reality, without me even realizing it!

How did this happen? Well, here's what I think.

That subconscious goal must have influenced my decision to join the running club when I was invited. And it must have helped me push this old body of mine from a 6 mile walk to a 6 mile run. It could be what inspired me to go ahead and try the longer, 8.5 mile route, and kept me putting one foot in front of the other, no matter what. Even on days that my running partners slept in and left me to run alone. Even when I was very, very tired. Even when my running partners stopped to walk, or wanted to take a shorter route. Something kept pushing me on. I thought I was just running to improve my fitness, but it is too amazing to be a coincidence, for me to come so quickly up to exactly what that goal--which I reinforced over and over a few years back--had prepared me for: running for two hours, up and down hills, without stopping!!!!

Simply amazing. Think I'll pull out those old goals--still valid--and begin to chant them to myself again! And I'll begin saying to myself: "I can run a marathon in under five hours."

Yours for a happier, healthier life,
The Jogging Grandma
Osprey Hydration Packs - Full Selection at AltrecSmooth Treadmill

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