Monday, May 10, 2010

100 Days

First, I wrote in my fitness journal "Day 1 of 500." Then I had to laugh at myself. Moderation has never been my strong point. So I amended it to say, "Day 1 of 100."

This was my first adjustment for my second try at a fitness program. Maybe 50 days is not enough; let's go for 100 days. Then, if I am getting results, I can always extend it, right?

Goals. Maybe I should concetrate on just one thing at a time. My main goal is to increase my fitness. Of course, my vanity would like for my body to trim down and look younger and sexier, but if I were to choose between fit and sexy, I would have to go for fit. Hopefully I can reach both goals, but let's do this one at a time.

So my goals for the next 100 days are:
1) Stick to my program for 100 days! (Current record is 50 days.)
2) Increase my strength by at least five pounds on each exercise. (Different muscle groups have different strengths, so it is a little hard to set a specific overall goal here, but I should increase strength in all muscle groups.)
3) Increase swimming speed by 20%. (Current speed is 60 laps in 50 min. I'll try to get that down to 40 min.)
4) Increase running speed by 20%. (Currently averaging 15 min. miles; will try to get down to 12 min. miles)
5) Increase running stamina to 15 miles. (Current weekly "long runs" are 8.5 miles, and leave me half-dead the rest of the day:)

I plan to eat moderate servings of a well-balanced diet, and continue to drink plenty of water (10 glasses per day). For now, I'm not going to make any specific weight-loss goals. After 100 days, if I can establish these fitness habits firmly, I can turn my attention to weight-loss goals.

Let's do it!
Yours for a happier, healthier life,
The Jogging Grandma
Osprey Hydration Packs - Full Selection at AltrecSmooth Treadmill

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